Mati City : Blue Bless Beach Resort

Three Penguins to welcome you in Blue Bless Beach
When we reached the resort, we were the last to be accomodated for an overnight stay. Most of the rooms were already taken. Lucky us or else we won't be able to stay there for the night. Check below for more Blue Bless Beach Resort Photos.

Blue Bless Reception Area
Close up. Very Photogenic

The Mermaids :D

Just a Chandelier

Open Cottages
Pool Area

Beach Cottage
Waiting area outside the Lobby
We took 1 room P1,500 good for couple. The room was not bad. It has its own shower, and its already airconditioned.  Tot and I decided to set up the Tent outside the room. We bought the tent intended for this travel adventure :D

Later that night, we decided bath their swimming pool while waiting for our order for dinner. 
Night Pool

Feeling :D

Just let her be :D 

Our Dinner is Here :D

Of course before leaving the Blue Bless we took some pictures for our great experience. For us, Blue Bless Beach Resort is one of the best resorts we visted. Their crew are great and very attentive. And later on we discovered that the owner of Blue Bless Beach Resort is reative owner of the Fernandez Beach Resort we used to visit at Samal Island. :D

A boat use to transfer to different island. But we are not curious enough to inquire :D
Feeling the Moment :D
Feeling the moment again

Feeling the moment again and again:D

Kiss Kiss Love Love

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